Seville, 14-27 june 2.021

The Unión de Radioaficionados de Sevilla (URS), local section of URE, organizes the ED7EFS activity for the celebration of headquarters of Group E of the EUROCUP FOOTBALL 2020 at La Cartuja Stadium in Seville.

The activity will be carried out by the URS members. This commemoration will be developed preferably in the bands on 6-80 meters, ssb, cw, dig.

Special QSL will be granted. It will not be neccesary to send qsl card but if any operator interested can send it by the bureau via EA7URS.

A special prize (Spanish Football Federation t-shirt) will be raffled among all participants.

QSL Direct to:

ED7EFS (EA7URS) P. O. Box 479  (41080)SEVILLE-SPAIN. SASE Europe (2 US); Rest (3 US)